Tracking Tools

Download your Monthly Tracker and get started today!

Monthly Tracker for Cycling Women

If you are a “cycling” woman (you still have a period), click the chart below to download a zip file that includes instructions and Word, Excel and PDF versions of the tracking chart:

Monthly Tracker for Non-Cycling Women

If you are no longer cycling (menopause, hysterectomy), or are trans, click the chart below to download a zip file that includes instructions and Word, Excel and PDF versions of the tracking chart:


For more in-depth tracking, please check out the
4s4w Daily Tracker and Journal

All Tracking Charts can be used without much instruction, but are designed to complement the book,
4 Seasons in 4 weeks: Awakening the Power, Wisdom, and Beauty in Every Woman’s Nature.


And watch this quick, easy-to-understand tutorial.