Where to begin?

Well, let me start off by saying that 4s4w and I are one in the same; attached at the hip and heart; in utero together growing and transforming into our evolving new stages at all times.  I was thinking about this the other day when someone was asking me about personal and business expenses. I was trying to explain that there is very little that I do that is not related to 4 Seasons in 4 Weeks (4s4w), which also happens to be my job.

To some people that sounds exhausting and not fun. But for me it’s the opposite: It’s exhilarating, energizing, and satisfying. More correctly, my job is my work—my purpose. I’ve discovered that being on purpose means I make few decisions that are not driven by this purpose. Being on purpose supports everything that is meaningful to me (my kids and other loved ones, and global community and conditions) and somehow releases me to “go for it”; to make decisions that others would see as risks (but somehow I don’t); to feel aligned with my personal expression without fear. I feel free.

Which doesn’t mean I’m without concern or other myriad of emotion at times. What kind of journey would it be without these things? There would be no contrast to show us what we really value, want, or aspire to be.

And what I really want is for more people to receive the benefits of 4s4w.


So…I’m going to New York. Tomorrow to be exact. I’ll be there pitching to television and radio program producers and major magazines. You can read more about that HERE.

I’ll tell you all about it when I get back.

Coming Up:

Workshop in Corvallis, Oregon. Read about it HERE and join us!!