Are you “at One” with your cycle? In a state of Bliss?
If not, it’s not your fault and you’re not alone.
The vast majority of women I speak with are struggling with their cycles (or their “not-cycling”), whether it’s physically, mentally, emotionally, sexually, socially, politically, spiritually, or relationship-wise with their partners.
You’ve probably researched for solutions. You might always be buying and trying out new supplements to fix the problem or looking for the magic bullet to make it all go away. You may have had your hormones checked and things are pretty much OK, but now what? You may be on the Pill to regulate the ups and downs, but it’s taken you even further away from your natural cycle and sex drive, and you have concerns about its long-term affects. You’ve bought books you haven’t read.
You may have even tracked your temperature and mucous for fertility or contraceptive purposes, which puts you ahead of most by understanding your cycle pretty well. But “Blissful” wouldn’t exactly describe how you feel after understanding this aspect of your cycle. “Competent & Knowledgeable” may be more like it. I congratulate you on that—it’s a great start and phenomenal tool to keep in your hip pocket at all times.
But here’s the real problem: The problem that you’re seeking solutions for is not the problem. So all of your searching is ending up at dead ends or taking you down the wrong path.
Your repeating monthly moon cycle is not the problem.
The problem is that we’ve been told it’s the problem and pretty much every culture in the world has it’s own version of why it’s a problem, which is based on major ignorance and arrogance from patriarchal understandings of the cycle and it’s desire to dominate it and women. These incorrect and denigrating understandings were deeply and generationally entrenched in our social fabric and over time, became the new truth. So again, the problem is not the cycle, but how we’ve been taught to think about it, and therefore, ultimately ourselves. We are deeply affected at the core of what makes us female, and therefore, keeps our formerly strong centers, in a state of off-balance, personally and as a gender.
But there’s an even bigger problem than this: We may have lost our equilibrium, but the ACTUAL problem is what we never learned, which is the powerful FEMALE VERSION—the incredible feminine lineage story of how to be in alignment with this monthly rhythm—the very thing that makes us female. It’s the tools we didn’t learn and the wisdom that wasn’t passed down from our mothers, aunties, and grandmothers because they didn’t know either.
As the author of 4 Seasons in 4 Weeks. I’m on a mission to change the way the world views women by correcting the self-destructive story that we, as a gender, carry within our minds and bodies on a daily basis about our minds and bodies.
It’s a self-defeating tale, one that keeps us vulnerable, as well as from reaching our fullest potential, no matter how seemingly empowered we are.
I talk to women every single day about this story (although they aren’t really aware that this is what we’re talking about) and it doesn’t matter if they are CEOs of Fortune 500 companies, stay-at-home moms who kick-butt managing and overseeing the well-being of their personal tribes, yoga Goddesses teaching in Costa Rica, or students living in Small Towns Anywhere in the World. Women are not BLISSFUL about their hormonal bodies. Period. Nor do they have any sort of clue about what’s even slightly wonderful about them on a daily basis and in regard to their day-to-day experiences.
I’m convinced that what we haven’t been taught about our wombs (whether you still have one or not, and whether you’re still cycling or not) is the missing piece to our empowerment. And yes, when our gender is STILL experiencing high rates of domestic violence, sex trafficking, rape, poverty, not-equal pay, challenges over birth control (shall I go on?), we have a major problem with our empowerment. We have a major problem with having little power over how much power others have over us and our bodies.
No amount of fundraising, lobbying, protesting, or wearing the t-shirt is going to fix this one.
We can’t depend on the courts, politicians, and clergy to protect us—women or girls—from harm when they are the powerhouses who maintain the patriarchal machine. More importantly, even if they did protect us, we still would not be standing in our core power—being in Bliss about our femaleness until we learn the FEMALE VERSION of our cycles and hold the tools on how to walk in alignment with our lunar waves and reclaim and maintain our core balance. I continue to believe that we will never have political or cultural power over our bodies, and therefore our wombs until we fall in love with our womb’s power!
The only thing that is going to fix this is our sisterhood, helping each other to awaken within us what our bodies already know. What our ancient ancestors knew so well: that our wombs are powerful and remarkable navigational systems that follow a logical, predictable sequence, which guide us to make optimal decisions in every aspect of our lives, every single day. Just like all humans follow a 24-hour Circadian Rhythm, we women follow a 28-day body clock, which I call a Circamene (sur-kay-mini—circle around the month) Rhythm. We are lunar rhythmic beings and that’s super important to understand for our health, wellbeing, and happiness.
This is major.
This is womb wisdom: a well-rounded way of thinking, communicating, and bonding. As the human sources of creation, there is very little that is more important than getting this right within the psyches and souls of every woman on the planet whether she ever produces children or not. Within us lives the rhythm of “source creation” and every human on the planet has incubated in it and has been baptized into this world from it. It’s a pretty big deal.
The 4 Seasons in 4 Weeks understanding of womb wisdom is an easy template to follow which becomes more and more accurate as one aligns more fully with it. Here’s how it works:
When the cycle is broken down into 4 weeks, a pattern emerges. Like pretty much every rhythm in the universe, you’ll find a resting, building, expressing, and deconstructing phase within the month. It’s a rhythmic form of Sacred Geometry.
In the same way that the moonlight builds and wanes, we change slightly everyday as we build and deconstruct our uterine linings and all other aspects that support a possible pregnancy. If not cycling, this building and waning of energy is a support system our body knows very well and continues to practice beyond reproduction if we don’t abandon it.
This building and waning is not an act of being crazy and we’re not changing our minds. We’re staying on top of the ebb and flow of our rhythmic world and our thought processes. Our choice is to either learn to surf the waves really well or drown in confusion.
The Archetypes
Is it possible to be in a state of Bliss with our hormonal rhythm? The answer to that would be, at times, YES. Always? Not realistically.The reason I use archetypes to guide you is to show where the alignment is, what it looks like, what to strive for. When in alignment with the natural rhythm of our cycles, we feel the Bliss. When we feel “at One” with our cycles, a calm and powerful centeredness takes over giving us clarity, direction, confidence, and know-how. Our world desperately needs women to bring this medicine to the planet right now.
I’ve identified 3 archetypes for each weekly phase, which brings us to 12 archetypes that we each step into and out of in a month’s time . Over time you might want to swap out one of my archetypes for something that suits the unique YOU more accurately.
Please accept my FREE GIFT of meeting each of these archetypes for 12 days in a row. You’ll receive an email everyday with a brief description of these archetypes. The 13th day will give you an opportunity to identify yourself as the 13th archetype through a mini, online workshop.
13 Days, 13 (Hormonally Blissed-Out) Archetypes are ready for your inbox. Sign up at the box below to begin receiving now.
With love and thanks,
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Many women are quietly suffering with their personal cycle challenges. This may be the answer they are looking for; the beginning to a new journey. xoxo
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