Ovulation: The Queen Bee

All are particularly peaceful at my abode this morning. The quiet reward for living a little more ruggedly in a rural environment is the welcomed sound of the winged ones: the birds, the flying insects, and even a couple of roosters in the distance.

It’s 5 am and I open all doors and windows to allow the heat to escape in exchange for the relief of a respectable temperature. The downside is that a mosquito or two rushes in, but I take that as a gentle reminder to create my mosquito traps.

I’m tired. Super tired. Not the kind of tired where there is something to worry about, but the kind of tired that happens after too many big events in a row. It’s the kind that is necessary; a survival mechanism triggering a person to now take time to rejuvenate and regroup.

I specialize in the hormonal lunar rhythm of women and how it applies both realistically and symbolically to our day-to-day lives in order to be in harmony with it. If you were in a workshop with me right now, you’d hear me telling you that when a woman is tapped-in and practiced, she can feel the day after ovulation.

Today, for me, is exactly like the day after ovulation.

Ovulation is the zenith of the whole female operation and basically a 12-36-hr. event. It’s the queen bee of the hive made up of female cycle days. It’s what the whole fuss is about: the party our bodies work so hard to prepare for every month. Symbolically, it represents full moon, full expression energy among many other things.

Once the event of ovulation is set into motion and parties in a raw and primal way all night, hormones dip as others begin to rise. This creates a dip in body energy that feels like “relief”, which activates reflection, as well as wisdom. One can also feel tired and not even realize why.

This scenario can happen metaphorically in one’s life as well.

Building toward a non-work-related production, I reached my symbolic ovulatory fullest expression yesterday and it came in the form of a dancing in Ashland’s 4th of July parade.

My friend, Wendy and I put a call out for fun-seekers and created a doable dance routine for people who dance well and who don’t dance so well in order to just have a great time and add our bit of spice to the parade. In 2007 we created the Firecracker Queens since our big local parade is the 4th of July. We hadn’t done it since then and didn’t have time to do it now, but we knew it was now or never.

Photo by Michelle Zundel

Photo by Michelle Zundel

Like ovulation, there is a tremendous amount of prep and build-up leading to the event. In many ways, preparing for the parade is a little like preparing for a half marathon. Training happens over several months and a huge amount of emphasis is placed on having the right personal set-up, hydration, and comfort to make it through without fainting. In our case, it was two months of dance practice in extreme heat temperatures, gathering and paying for the costumes and accessories, sound system, vehicles, etc., and constant communication with each other on our secret Facebook page. I personally got up at exactly 3:46 am yesterday morning to gather last minute items and race to get two vehicles in place at the front of our assigned street to hold our spot so as not to be at the end of the parade (first come, first serve is the short version of how this works).

A lot of thought was put into planning every detail of our routine, including what a dancer would do if she felt she was going to pass out. The morning graced us with cooler temps and a slight breeze. Judging always happens before the actual parade and we won 1st place in our category. Once out on the parade route, we had a total blast, the crowd responded, and we nailed it. It felt incredibly magical. Every dancer made it through and did really, really well. Like the female cycle, the preparation takes many days and the actual act it is supporting only lasts a few hours. In the case of our parade routine, we put an enormous amount of effort into it and were probably out on the parade route for a total of 25 minutes. Then it was over.

After that, some of us walked over to the after-parade festivities at the park and then trekked all the way back to our cars, which were at the beginning of the parade route, still in full costume. It was super hot and we were exhausted. I went home, literally peeled my dress off my skin, removed my wig, made a cold bath, got out, and fell onto my bed. Later I went to a pool party and then another party – both very sweet. I ate decent snacks, a good dinner, and drank no alcohol, only hydrating stuff. I finished the day with watching fireworks going off at various parts of the valley from the 3rd-floor deck of the pirate ship.

I woke up this morning not being able to move very well, but in a good sort of way, kind of. I got up and went into the bathroom. I had a blue sparkly heart sticker stuck to my chest (maybe someone hugged me who had it on them?), traces of long-lasting red lipstick on the edges of my mouth, a bruised knot on my forehead, and my hair doing what I call its ratty toddler thing, along with not only one bobby pin but a small French clip still embedded in its twisty layers. I removed those, as well as the sticker, and left the rest to deal with after breakfast. Oh, and the bruise came from moving a poolside lounge chair by the arms yesterday and having the heavy metal backrest slam forward and down onto my forehead.

Standing out on the pirate ship deck totally naked this morning, screwed up hair and makeup, taking in what coolness I know is not going to stay for long, I reflected on this morning-after day.

I’ve been going full throttle for 6-weeks or so: too many hours of travel but loved a family wedding, held a 4-day retreat at a hot springs resort, worked a 3-day festival and held a workshop in extreme heat temps. Normally I might be able to rest the right amount and keep going. But in the middle of it all was the inevitable decision to put my cat down, which was the devastating low for all of this high energy.

My sweet friend, Darryl pointed out that sometimes we have animals that become our right-hand person. Todd the Loverboy Cat was that for me (for too many reasons to list), so in the midst of all of these metaphorically reproductive references, I am really only aware of one thing: I’m grieving right now. I know many people can’t understand why you would grieve an animal like a person, but we do for certain ones, and I am.

So, I’m going to continue with my work-related commitments and meetings, but am going to lay low in all other ways for a bit. Now that I’m on the other side of my symbolic full-throttle building and full expression ovulation phases of my right-now life rhythm, I am going to take the time to reflect, honor, and go inward. Love and thanks for all of your beautiful messages and your always lovely support. I’m going to step away from posting for a bit and be back when I’m ready. ~ Suz

7 Wonders of the Womb

7 Wonders of the Womb: Discover the Powers of the Amazing Uterus

GUEST BLOG By Kara Maria Ananda


Women’s bodies hold within them an incredible organ filled with sexual and creative power.

It is time that we celebrate the astonishing capabilities and mysteries of the fantastic uterus!

Every single human being that has ever been alive upon this planet, now and throughout all of history, has achieved this existence thanks to this very organ.

Thus, we have all been intimately acquainted with the uterus, since the dawn of our lives, whether or not you have one personally within your own body.

However, the uterus is an endangered organ. Hysterectomy (the removal of the uterus) is currently the #2 most common surgery performed in the United States. The #1 most common surgery in the US today is Cesarean Section, the cutting of the uterus to remove a baby.

The uterus is sensitive and permeable to the industrial chemicals now inundating our environment. Hundreds of toxic chemicals are now finding their way into the wombs of women, and thus into the amniotic fluid of pregnant mothers and detectable in the blood of newborns.

It’s important to raise awareness today about the power, purpose and potential of the amazing uterus, so we can focus more energy on the health, vitality and preservation of this amazing female organ.

#1: The Uterus is Super Strong

The uterus is the strongest muscle in the body by weight. The uterus has multiple layers of muscle tissue that run in every direction, spiral together, and are ultra-strong. A laboring uterus exerts incredible pressure to push a baby out into the world, and is the strongest force exerted by any muscle in the body.

The Guinness Book of World Records lists the jaw muscle as the strongest muscle in the body due to a biting contest that measured pressure, but that’s just because people haven’t thought up a good way to make measuring the power of a women’s uterus in labor into a contest. Some people don’t value the uterus as the strongest muscle because not everyone has them (ahem, men) but that doesn’t mean it’s not still the strongest. We know what’s up. Womb power, that’s what.

#2: The Uterus is Incredibly Flexible

A uterus is stretchier than Gumby! During pregnancy a women’s uterus goes from being the size of a pear and tucked behind the pubic bone, to being as large as a balloon and reaching all the way to the ribcage and stretching the abdomen outwards visibly. Then it shrinks back down after birth. That’s totally amazing! Not only is the uterus super strong but it’s super stretchy too!

#3: The Uterus Heals

Menstrual blood is rich in stem cells which are found to be adaptive within the body to heal a wide variety of diseases. Each month during her fertile years, a woman’s body creates a rich endometrial layer in preparation to grow and nourish a whole new human being. When a baby is not conceived the body releases this extremely valuable and nutritive substance during the menstrual cycle.

The abundance of stem cells in the menstrual blood are being researched to treat a wide variety of conditions from stroke, heart disease, Parkinson’s, Lou Gehrig’s, diabetes, wounds, neurodegenerative diseases and more. Women create the most abundant free source of stem cells during monthly menstrual flows, which is much more ethical to harvest than from cord blood of newborns or from aborted embryos, yet it is slow to catch on because of cultural taboos still surrounding menstruation.

#4: The Uterus is Orgasmic

When a women orgasms, she experiences not just pleasurable and euphoric sensations, but waves of contracting muscles throughout the uterus, as well as the vagina and pelvic floor. The whole uterus has waves of muscular contractions which helps to facilitate the movement of sperm from the vagina into the uterus.

Some women also experience deep pleasure from their wombs during orgasm, and say that relaxing and deepening into the feeling allows a whole body orgasmic release.

#5: The Uterus is Connected to the Universe

A women’s menstrual cycles and stages of life are intrinsically linked to the cycles of the Earth, Moon and Sun. The moon cycle is 29.5 days, and the average woman’s menstrual cycle is 29.5 days. Women who’s cycles are closest to the 29.5 day cycle have higher rates of fertility.

In addition, there are 13 moon cycles in a calendar year, and the average age of menarche (a girl’s first menstruation) is age 13. The average age of menopause is 52, which is also the number of weeks in a year. There are an average of 4 weeks to a women’s menstrual cycle and 4 seasons in a year.

Women’s ancient menstrual calendars consisting of notches carved into bone or stone are said to be some of the earliest forms of calendars known. Women’s wombs hold a powerful connection to the astronomical cycles of the Earth, Sun and Moon.

#6: The Uterus Can Grow a Placenta

The uterus is the only organ that can grow a whole new organ within it. The placenta is absolutely amazing, and is an organ that is grown within the uterus when a woman is pregnant that nourishes and feeds the fetus with exactly what it needs every moment for the entire pregnancy. The placenta connects the mother and baby, through it’s attachment to the uterine wall of the mother and to the baby through the umbilical cord. It’s a physical manifestation of the nurturing of the mother for the child and is released after the birth of the child.

The placenta and umbilical cord have a pattern visible in the arteries that looks like the tree of life and is an ancient symbol of life and vitality. Placentas have been highly honored by cultures around the world since the beginning of humanity. The word “placenta” comes from Old English and actually means “a round flat cake”, and the tradition of honoring our placenta continues today as we celebrate around a birthday cake each year on the anniversary of our birth.

#7: The Uterus Can Grow a HUMAN!

It’s totally mind-boggling but true. Within the womb of a woman it is possible to conceive and gestate a whole new human being! WOW! Every single one of us is here alive on the planet today because we we started life growing within the womb of our mother, and we come from a long-line of ancestors born from the wombs of their mothers.

The first time I ever attended a birth as a doula, I was totally amazed at the power of a woman to birth a baby, and walked around for days in total amazement at every woman I saw, thinking how miraculous it is that women have wombs and that we can grow other humans within us. AMAZING.

Now you know why they called her WONDER Woman! Right?

The Universe Within the Uterus

Women can use the power of our wombs not just to grow babies but to tune into the creative potential of the Universe and birth great ideas, businesses, projects, art and more. The womb is a women’s unique connection to a primal source of creativity and can be used for not just procreation but conscious co-creation with nature and spirit.

Let’s honor and celebrate the wonders of the womb and keep our uteruses healthy and loved!

Many blessings,
Kara Maria Ananda



Art by Emma Plunket: http://www.missplunkett.tv/tagged/womb-art/

Go Raw – Find Your Primal

let your hair down ~ forget your mask ~ find your primal ~ answer your indigenous

Release Your Raw.

Does your body image, the lumps & bumps, the out of shape, the in-shape-but-not-happy, visible flaws, hair, skin, etc. keep you from getting into water or showing your vulnerabilities? We understand. This is a retreat where we invite you to forget about it and allow yourself to just enjoy. You don’t need makeup or your hair done at this place (it’s also OK if you do want these things).

Breitenbush is a clothing optional retreat center and often there are other retreats happening that have male attendees. We’ve never found it to be a problem—only freeing. The pools are serene, discreet, and separated out into different locations. We suggest bringing a bathrobe and towel. Disrobe, get in, get out, and cover-up. All shapes and sizes take in the healing waters.

Women’s Annual Retreat @ Breitenbush Hot Springs, June 9-12, 2015

Corkscrew Jungle

Release Your Raw.

What would you give for relief from your hormones?

We all know that money is the stuff that pays the bills. We also know that there are many types of currency we can utilize to balance out what we receive for our services.

When I was a hairdresser from 1981 until 1995, I bartered a LOT. As long as I could get enough cash to pay my bills, I enjoyed trading because I actually got stuff that I loved but probably wouldn’t have spent money on myself because it might have felt too frivolous at the time. I got massages, healing work, and many, many beautiful pieces of art. My most unusual trade was when an entire family needed their hair cut, and they gave me about 7 chickens! I didn’t have any place for the chickens at the time, so I traded those for something else to someone else. I can’t remember what (maybe to my mother-in-law who had chickens?).

My first salon space lease, along with the equipment and set-up was sold/exchanged for a motorcycle, which was what the equipment was worth and what the new owner had to offer. The client list went with me to my new salon. It felt like a “good trade.”

Here and there, there is an event or festival where attendee money is tight, but enthusiasm is high for the music, art booths, dancing, and workshops, including mine. They want my book, so get creative:

“Will you trade”?
Most of the time I say, “Sure. What d’ya got”?
“Some weed and some crystals.”

I take the crystals and use them with my medicine bowl and hand off the weed to somebody who smokes or save it for someone in a little pain (which can often be the person you least expect, like your conservative grandfather).

Last year, from one woman with about 4 kids and a husband, I received a bottle of some amazing essential oil spray and some gorgeous temporary arm tattoos. And I think some weed.

When all of this is going on, I feel so touched and here’s why: These young women who are finding relief in just hearing about my approach to the hormones and are in need of support (what my book is about) have a stash of trade-ables, but it’s not an endless supply. Their trades are just as precious as money to them. They turn to their partners, and together they dip into their satchel and come up with an appropriate equal exchange. I feel honored that what I have to offer feels valuable enough to part with their goods.

What would you give for relief from your hormones?

This evening I was at the Co-op, our local organic food store. I was standing in an aisle looking for grainless crackers when a young family standing next to me was commenting on the cheap prices compared to where they lived. Our co-op isn’t cheap, so I asked them where they lived. Mendocino. Ah yes. Gorgeous and expensive, indeed.

Anyhow, the woman looked at me and said,
“You look familiar. Do we know each other? Do I look familiar to you?”

I admitted that she did look familiar, so asked her her name. It didn’t ring a bell.

Then she said, “Are you…? Did you…write a book, 4 Seasons….Is your name Ssss…?

“4 Seasons in 4 Weeks. Suzanne. Yes! Geez! How did you know that? Did you attend a workshop last year or festival?”

“YES! And I have your book!” (No—she hadn’t given me weed for it).

“Really?” (Of course that is the best thing anyone can say to me. Super wonderful to hear).

Then she did something that surprised the heck out of me. She said,

“Can I hug you?” She was super excited and beginning to get a little emotional.


Then she said,

“I just have to hug you and want to thank you for writing the book. It has really helped me. And it has helped him too” (Pointing to her man).

Me, stunned, shocked, relieved, grateful. Again.

A little more small talk and we went our separate ways for groceries.

Compliments like that don’t pay the bills directly, but believe-you-me, they are a high dollar exchange. In this case for me, her desire to let me know her appreciation was a generous, caring boost of high powered fuel which will motivate and keep me and the whole operation going for a very long time. I can’t even put a value on that.

Thank you, Samantha. I wish I had gotten your last name.

We have to remember as a local, national and global community that money is only one form of exchange. We can’t forget to allow the beauty and heart of all kinds of currency to flow in and out of our personal support and wellbeing bank account.


Easter and Ovulation: Rebirthing into Your Divinity


Easter symbolizes rebirth ~ being born again into your divinity.

Perhaps for you it is Passover. Please translate with what resonates.

Today is the best day of the year for asking yourself whether you are stepping into the world in your truest nature.

Today is the day to shed the things that are dead—that no longer apply. Old stories, habits, and ways that weigh heavy on your ability to move forward with what you know to be true and that you need to bring to this world.

Today is the day to rise to, recognize, and honor your higher self; your authentic self.

Today is the day to claim the gifts of who you really are.

Shed the old skin. Bring forth the new, healthy glow.

Step into the world.


In the 4 Seasons in 4 Weeks approach to the hormones, springtime and the full moon are the energies that best represent Ovulation and its subsequent days. Just as the most mature and healthiest egg bursts out of its follicle in the hope of creating someone new, spring is the time to burst out of your shell, stepping into your purest form, birthing a new, healthier version of you. Like the full moon, this is the time to shine your grandest expression of light and love.

You are both innocent and experienced. Birthed or Rebirthed. Each rebirthing is a more experienced and refined version of you. It is perfect earth/spirit alignment.

It’s the Moment of Truth.

Because we women are lunar rhythmic and go through 4 seasons in a month’s time, every female, each month, has the opportunity to revisit this question at Ovulation time: Are you stepping in to your gifts? Are you representing your authentic self? Are you claiming the truth of who you really are and standing in it, walking in it, expressing it in its clean and clear self?

For both men and women, the full moon gives us this opportunity as well, every month. And Easter provides the grandest opening to rebirth, each year.

Does this all make sense? Symbolism teaches us, helps us, reminds us, in this moment, to shed the chaos of the world in order focus inward on the basics. Return to your center where the calm place is.

Full Moon represents fullest expression of light and love: the most magnificent version of you.

The Spring Equinox represents the perfect balance of light and dark, of innocent and experienced, of standing in balance which will always be your strongest and truest, most confident nature.

Easter represents the shedding of the dark to step into the light of who you really are. Who you are meant to be. The gifts that have been inside all along.

The Easter Egg represents Ovulation and bursting out of your shell to possibly create a new life.

April 5, 2015:

The Full Moon’s light, like Ovulation, BURST into its fullest expression last night.

Spring is HERE.

Passover is NOW.

Easter is TODAY.

Your time is THIS MOMENT.

Remove the boulders and other obstacles. Crack the egg open. Step into it. Claim it.

Take the time today to sit quietly for just a few moments. Ask yourself these questions:

1) Am I walking in my authentic self, everyday?
2) If not, what am I presenting to the world?
3) Does it feel good?
4) Where am I squirmy and uncomfortable?
5) What do I know to be true?
6) What is missing?
7) What can I shed that is weighing me down?
8) What wants to come into the light?

See what rises to the surface. How does that make you feel? If the feeling is relaxed, if the feeling opens your heart, it is time to bring this gift forward. It has been waiting a very long time to come out.

Don’t worry about what others think. They have been waiting for this gift of yours to express itself. They just didn’t know it.

The feeling is truth and unconditional love for self, others, and your deepest source. It is perfect earth/spirit alignment. It is Easter.

May you shine your light and love for all to see today and from here on out. Rebirth your unconditional love. Step into the Truth of who you really are. Claim it.

With love and thanks,

Suz xoxoxo


Ask Suz: Getting Your Hormones Checked

Bonsall CHART EP4aAfter every workshop or presentation I give, I get many women approaching me with intimate questions. I always have at least one woman begin to speak in a low voice (so no one else will hear) about her cycle experience and it is always something that fills my heart with compassion. So many stories out there. All similar, but all unique to each woman.

Yesterday as I headed toward a book reading at the Southern Oregon University book faire, I passed a woman walking slowly. I asked her if she was coming to my presentation. She replied with something like, “Yes, I have to do something. I’m having a real hard time with my hormones. I saw your talk on the schedule and knew I had to come.”

The book reading was only 20 minutes. She stayed in her seat while others left. She was teary. We chatted for quite a while. She said she feels like she is in Week 4, Summer, (The Firewalk) all the time. It’s keeping her from living a fulfilling life and beginning to affect her marriage, even though her husband is as supportive and sweet as he can be. She’s trying to find a job but worried she won’t feel well or keep it together. She’s scared and absolutely exhausted.

First of all, I let her know that indeed, this is not how the cycle is designed to make one feel. Something was up.

She told me she had just started her moon, so she is in Week 1, Fall. This is the resting phase in the 4s4w model. I explained in no uncertain terms that she needs to be sleeping or resting more than ever this week. In her case especially, not resting or practicing self-care is only going to perpetuate the problem.

Secondly, I asked her if she had had her hormones checked lately. She said “No, I can’t afford it.” I advised her to check with Planned Parenthood or other clinic (or our state programs or whatever) to see if this service was available to her (note to self: I should really get clear on what’s available myself for this purpose).

I explained to her that I’m not a hormone doctor. What I do is help women reclaim joy and meaning, creating optimal life experiences by tapping into the primal wisdom of the monthly cycle and aligning with it each week. 4 Seasons in 4 Weeks (4s4w) shows you how your hormones are relevant to your daily experience and the essence of each week can be easily understood, harnessed, and counted upon. It’s incredibly accurate for predicting how you’re going to feel and react.

But if you’re not feeling good most of the time and are weepy, exhausted, and angry, it’s time to go the doctor (preferably a specialist with both West and Eastern medicine training) and get your hormones checked. My guess is that something chemical is off there. I thought perhaps that she is estrogen dominant, which can cause a woman to feel as she describes. As she spoke, she began to sob, and said, “See? I can’t stop doing this!”

4s4w helps women to understand why they are feeling the way they do from week-to-week, how they can draw on the super powers of the phase, and what tools they can bring in each day for balance. It has also been helping women who are irregular to become regular. When you align your mind and daily experiences with what your hormones are doing, you’ll find your clarity, direction, and core power.

But if you are suffering day in and day out with no relief, get yourself to the health practitioner  you see for your female stuff for some tests and protocol advise. Once you get that straightened out, implementing the 4s4w practice will have you feeling on top of the world

2014 Recap in Pics Thus Far – Breitenbush Retreat

From June 10-13th 2014, I held a live retreat at Breitenbush Hotsprings and Retreat Center in Oregon. WOW!

HUGE THANKS and tremendous love to my co-facilitators who far exceeded my expectations for carrying out my 4 Seasons in 4 Weeks workshop vision. I only wish we had had more days!

Let me acknowledge Cynthia Salbato for assisting me and leading all movement portions, JayaEagleWoman for opening and closing each day in ceremony and beyond, Amari Gold for her sound code medicine, and Julia Weaver for leading us all in expressing 4s4w in unbelievably gorgeous mandala work!

Breitenbush asked me to come back, so please mark your calendar for June 9-12, 2015.  Space will be limited to 18 women.

Suz and Breitenbush sisters and their mandalas.

Suz and Breitenbush sisters and their mandalas.

Mandala Queen, Julia Weaver and the gals.

Mandala Queen, Julia Weaver and the gals.

River Yurt, Breitenbush

River Yurt, Breitenbush

Looking at our mandalas laid out on the floor next to stone medicine bowl.

Looking at our mandalas laid out on the floor next to stone medicine bowl.

Breitenbush Peaceful Warriors

Breitenbush Peaceful Warriors

Perhaps I’ll add more pictures down the road to this post.




2014 Recap in Pics ~ Moon Lodge @ the Goddess Temple of Ashland

The Goddess Temple of Ashland is a gorgeous dome sitting on the sacred land of natural hotsprings at Jackson Wellsprings in Oregon. The entire chunk of land at the far corner of the facility is generously donated and dedicated to the Feminine by owner Gerry Lehrberger.

The Goddess Temple was the brainchild of founders Graell Corsini and Jumana King-Harris. Along with a hive of volunteers, these women maintain an incredibly beautiful space within a dome donated by Pacific Domes of Ashland. The Feminine grounds, which are also home to beekeeping, a mikvah, a moon lodge, and an assortment of areas to honor earth and spirit are maintained by all, including a whole lot of supportive men.

Visiting the dome and the grounds is free and encouraged. Women who live in Ashland and visit for the first time can’t believe they didn’t know it was there. It’s meant to be a sanctuary to give time to one’s self.

Because of my work with 4 Seasons in 4 Weeks, I was asked to oversee the moon lodge this year. A traditional moon lodge has Native American origins  (other indigenous cultures create something similar as well) and is a resting space set aside for women who are “on their moon” in order to lay low, stay away from chores, and receive the rejuvenation needed during this time.  A red tent is basically the same thing only somewhat Hebrew or Middle Eastern in origin.

I explained that what I teach is honor for all 4 phases of the monthly hormonal rhythm, rather than just one week, so I may not be right for the job. But they wanted me to do that and I enthusiastically accepted. So, Moon of the 7 Opals as I call it, is a space for females of any age to honor the phase they are in when sitting inside of the lodge (tipi). There are 4 colors, 4 quadrants to choose from, depending on where a woman is at in her cycle or if non-cycling, what phase the moon is currently in.

Men are welcomed and encouraged to visit the Goddess Temple and DO, and the Moon of the 7 Opals is for females only. I had stepping stones built to lead from the Goddess Temple to the lodge and had moon phases painted on them. Thank you to Steve G for building the path and to Jessica Vineyard (Ms. Galaxy) for painting the 28 phases!

The main alter inside of the Goddess Temple. The decor is always changing and always beautiful.

The main alter inside of the Goddess Temple. The decor is always changing and always beautiful.

This is the location of last year's moon lodge. It is now a mud alter. Shelley Sage Heart is the loving artist who spends time creating beauty with rose petals. This represents giving our blood back to the land, which equates to Mother Nature's rivers and streams, and vice versa.

This is the location of last year’s moon lodge. It is now a mud alter. Shelley Sage Heart is the loving artist who spends time creating beauty with rose petals. This represents giving our blood back to the land, which equates to Mother Nature’s rivers and streams, and vice versa.

This is the day we erected the moon lodge (tipi). We carried it in and stopped to honor the previous year's location, which is now the rose petaled mud alter.

This is the day we erected the moon lodge (tipi). Several of us carried it in and stopped to honor the previous year’s location, which is now the rose petaled mud alter.

Raising the moon lodge

Raising the moon lodge

Even the babies help!

Even the babies help!

Suz given the honor of cinching up the opening of the lodge with the newly made needles. Friend Rico is helping me - wish I wasn't blocking him!

Suz given the honor of cinching up the opening of the lodge with the newly made needles. Friend Rico is helping me – wish I wasn’t blocking him!

Finished! Graell - co-founder of the Goddess Temple and Suz, Wisdom Keeper of the Moon Lodge 2014. This tipi belongs to Graell and her daughter.

Finished! Graell – co-founder of the Goddess Temple and Suz, Wisdom Keeper of the Moon Lodge 2014. This tipi belongs to Graell and her daughter.

Beautiful Napili helping to decorate the interior of the moon lodge.

Beautiful Napili helping to decorate the interior of the moon lodge.

The 4 quadrants of the interior of the moon lodge, looking up.

The 4 quadrants of the interior of the moon lodge, looking up.

Suz peeking inside of the Goddess Temple to see if it is available to show to friends.

Suz peeking inside of the Goddess Temple to see if it is available to show to friends.

MoonPath from the Goddess Temple to the Moon of the 7 Opals Lodge.

MoonPath from the Goddess Temple to the Moon of the 7 Opals Lodge.



2014 Recap Thus Far

2014 Recap Thus Far

It’s been a busy year for 4 Seasons in 4 Weeks stuff, the stone medicine bowl that I am the Carrier of, and miscellaneous personal interests. First off, 4 Seasons in 4 Weeks has a new website. Go to the HOME page to see how great it looks! It’s an ongoing process of course.

I’ve also been in the process of creating online courses to launch, have been to conferences, have presented workshops at conferences and festivals, and held a live, 4-day retreat at Breitenbush in Oregon. In addition, I am the Wisdom Keeper for the Moon Lodge in Ashland which is the place where I can physically share 4s4w.  I’ve been on a fairly extensive radio tour.

Personally, I am also on staff at the annual Ashland Independent Film Festival, which I love being a part of. Right now I’m taking advantage of a short window between gigs in order to move from the home I’ve been in for over 26 years! THAT gets overwhelming at times. So that’s where I’ve been.

I hope your summer is going well too. I’ve got pics that I have failed to pass on regarding some of these events. I’m having trouble putting them all in one blog post, so I’ll create several.

Here is Suz as a presenter and Kris Steinnes as the organizer of Women of Wisdom Conference, Seattle, February 2014.

Enjoy ~ Suzanne

Suz as presenter and Kris Steinnes as organizer and promoter at the Women of Wisdom Conference, Seattle, Feb. 2014

Suz as presenter and Kris Steinnes as organizer and promoter at the Women of Wisdom Conference, Seattle, Feb. 2014