OK, so red tent stuff for Week 1, Fall, figured out. Clamshell for Venus to stand in for my Week 2, Winter, all done. Missed my window for picking up the throne for my Goddess and World Leader archetype of Week 3, Spring, to sit in, but will do that Wednesday, and my Fire Walker of Week 4, Summer, and her hot coals are coming together nicely.

TWO NIGHTS AWAY! Please join me at this special book party. Buy your books at a special Event-Only price, enjoy the performance art, and mingle with your friends.

When: 12.12.12

Time: From 4 to 7 pm

Where?: Oasis ~ A Healing Sanctuary, 258 A Street, Ashland, Oregon 97520 upstairs

More info here: http://4seasons4weeks.com/book-launch-countdown