After every workshop or presentation I give, I get many women approaching me with intimate questions. I always have at least one woman begin to speak in a low voice (so no one else will hear) about her cycle experience and it is always something that fills my heart with compassion. So many stories out there. All similar, but all unique to each woman.
Yesterday as I headed toward a book reading at the Southern Oregon University book faire, I passed a woman walking slowly. I asked her if she was coming to my presentation. She replied with something like, “Yes, I have to do something. I’m having a real hard time with my hormones. I saw your talk on the schedule and knew I had to come.”
The book reading was only 20 minutes. She stayed in her seat while others left. She was teary. We chatted for quite a while. She said she feels like she is in Week 4, Summer, (The Firewalk) all the time. It’s keeping her from living a fulfilling life and beginning to affect her marriage, even though her husband is as supportive and sweet as he can be. She’s trying to find a job but worried she won’t feel well or keep it together. She’s scared and absolutely exhausted.
First of all, I let her know that indeed, this is not how the cycle is designed to make one feel. Something was up.
She told me she had just started her moon, so she is in Week 1, Fall. This is the resting phase in the 4s4w model. I explained in no uncertain terms that she needs to be sleeping or resting more than ever this week. In her case especially, not resting or practicing self-care is only going to perpetuate the problem.
Secondly, I asked her if she had had her hormones checked lately. She said “No, I can’t afford it.” I advised her to check with Planned Parenthood or other clinic (or our state programs or whatever) to see if this service was available to her (note to self: I should really get clear on what’s available myself for this purpose).
I explained to her that I’m not a hormone doctor. What I do is help women reclaim joy and meaning, creating optimal life experiences by tapping into the primal wisdom of the monthly cycle and aligning with it each week. 4 Seasons in 4 Weeks (4s4w) shows you how your hormones are relevant to your daily experience and the essence of each week can be easily understood, harnessed, and counted upon. It’s incredibly accurate for predicting how you’re going to feel and react.
But if you’re not feeling good most of the time and are weepy, exhausted, and angry, it’s time to go the doctor (preferably a specialist with both West and Eastern medicine training) and get your hormones checked. My guess is that something chemical is off there. I thought perhaps that she is estrogen dominant, which can cause a woman to feel as she describes. As she spoke, she began to sob, and said, “See? I can’t stop doing this!”
4s4w helps women to understand why they are feeling the way they do from week-to-week, how they can draw on the super powers of the phase, and what tools they can bring in each day for balance. It has also been helping women who are irregular to become regular. When you align your mind and daily experiences with what your hormones are doing, you’ll find your clarity, direction, and core power.
But if you are suffering day in and day out with no relief, get yourself to the health practitioner you see for your female stuff for some tests and protocol advise. Once you get that straightened out, implementing the 4s4w practice will have you feeling on top of the world