4 Seasons in 4 Weeks breaks down the approximate 28 days of the female hormonal sequence into four guided weeks, revealing a remarkable navigation system within.

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Make sense of your changing libido, health, and viewpoint by tapping into the 4 phases of your hormonal rhythm & monthly body clock. Click on Pic to learn more. 🙂

4 Seasons in 4 Weeks book cover

Connect with Nature Books: See all Three Picture Books on Body Rhythms! Click on Pic

The Moon and Me book cover

And why the book uses mostly heterosexual terms

The Who, What, When, Where, and Whys

New Website!

Targeted to Launch

Fall 2024

(fingers crossed!)

So many great things happening!

2023 has been all about creating a new website design, the beginning of an 8-book series for 7-13-year-olds, a course for couples, and starting a nonprofit. Phew! No wonder this website is a bit behind. Thanks for your patience! I look forward to launching the new site in fall 2024.

Sign up for the email list to receive announcements. Stay tuned!

Woman reaching for the moon

4s4w Blog

To Cycle or Not Cycle with the Moon.

The standard, average, healthy female cycle appears to…

Aligning With Your Cycle: How it Works

In the same way that the moonlight waxes and wanes…

Don’t Worry About Making Waves

Don’t worry about making waves simply by being yourself.

Your Inner-Knowing Beckons and Awaits You

It’s the source of female instincts, hormone intelligence…

Ovulation: The Queen Bee

Ovulation is the zenith of the whole female…

7 Wonders of the Womb

Women’s bodies hold within them an…

Go Raw – Find Your Primal

Does your body image, the lumps & bumps…

What would you give for relief from your hormones?

When I was a hairdresser from 1981 until 1995, I bartered a LOT. As long as I could get enough cash to pay my bills, I enjoyed trading…

Easter and Ovulation: Rebirthing into Your Divinity

Today is the best day of the year for asking yourself whether you are stepping into the world in your truest nature.…

Are your friends good for you?

I hope this message finds you well and feeling fully loved after Valentine’s Day!

Don’t Be Duped by an App

Don’t Be Duped by an App My friend and colleague, Sarah Bly, Fertility Awareness Expert, has written a terrific post about the major problems with cycle tracking apps. I’m so glad she wrote this. I am in the process of designing an app for tracking by the 4 Seasons in 4 Weeks (#4s4w) approach which will help women with knowing which phase they are in in order to better relate to and utilize their hormones for optimal life experience. I began using one of the apps on the market since so many of my readers use them. What I discovered

A Balanced Explanation of Alkaline/Acid Balance

I was really happy to stumble upon this article last night. It confirms what I had heard — that cancer can’t live in an alkaline environment, or probably a whole range of diseases. This doesn’t address cancer, but explains the alkaline/acid balance thing when our bodies are already working hard to keep it balanced. I also love that this doesn’t get into specific diets, just physiology. ~ Suz Please go here to see it: http://drbenkim.com/ph-body-blood-foods-acid-alkaline.htm

The Archetypes are Here!

The Archetypes are Here! Hello Friends! Well, at long last, the Archetypes are here! SIGN UP: http://4s4w.com/13days13archetypes/ It’s FREE! This is simply a fun gift from me to you as a THANK YOU for hanging in with me as 4 Seasons in 4 Weeks develops its products and courses. I so appreciate you—more than you can imagine! I’m very, very excited about the many things in the developmental stage as we speak. I talked about some of them in the last newsletter, but much, much more is happening. I think  2015 will be an explosive year for 4s4w in terms of

When Santa was a woman — five Christmas histories you want to know

Thank you to iPinion Syndicate for this great post: When Santa was a woman — five Christmas histories you want to know  

Are you “at One” with your cycle? In a state of Bliss?

Are you “at One” with your cycle? In a state of Bliss? If not, it’s not your fault and you’re not alone. The vast majority of women I speak with are struggling with their cycles (or their “not-cycling”), whether it’s physically, mentally, emotionally, sexually, socially, politically, spiritually, or relationship-wise with their partners. You’ve probably researched for solutions. You might always be buying and trying out new supplements to fix the problem or looking for the magic bullet to make it all go away.  You may have had your hormones checked and things are pretty much OK, but now what? You

The Storm

An earlier post introduced My New Pad, as in “abode”.  I call it “The Pirate Ship.”  I received a lot of email on it, so here’s an update. Every thought, action, and experience is exactly as it happened. And btw, none of this has anything to do with 4 Seasons in 4 Weeks except that this is the place from which I am now creating everything for my 4s4w followers. This is the only reason I place this post on this particular website blog. In addition, The Pirate Ship is where I’ll do my private, one-on-one, 4s4w all day coaching

New York ~ How It All Went

WOW is what I can say about New York. Last newsletter I told you about going to New York to be part of a media/publicity summit. There were about 100 of us (just a guess) and we pitched what “we do” to national television producers, radio hosts, magazine editors, and freelance writers (for major magazines). I’ve added some pics here of the wonderful authors and coaches I met at this event. We signed an agreement to not take pictures or share info about the media who attended. I’m thinking there were about 125 of them. We had one practice day

My New Pad

Upon finding out that my house, which has been up for sale since August, is indeed going to close on a sale mid-November, I had to get busy getting serious about where I was moving. You might wonder why I hadn’t already figured that out. Yes, I’d been looking for a long time. But one can’t move forward until one knows whether they are actually moving or not. It’s a nerve-wracking system. But that’s another future blog. I had many choices on where to go—stay in Ashland or go out of town—live alone or with a group of other project-oriented

The Big Apple and Oregon

ON PURPOSE Where to begin? Well, let me start off by saying that 4s4w and I are one in the same; attached at the hip and heart; in utero together growing and transforming into our evolving new stages at all times.  I was thinking about this the other day when someone was asking me about personal and business expenses. I was trying to explain that there is very little that I do that is not related to 4 Seasons in 4 Weeks (4s4w), which also happens to be my job. To some people that sounds exhausting and not fun. But

New York, New York

NEW YORK, NEW YORK My pal, Lou, at RoCo (Roasting Company) told me a few mornings ago that I needed to be documenting the life of an author who is trying to make it. Or more accurately, make a living at it. He was already here at the coffeehouse when I got here about 7:15 this morning. I grabbed the table next to him, which was a score because it has an electrical outlet should I need to plug in. The reason that I was here at 7:15 instead of about 11 am was because I had a noon eastern

Ask Suz: Getting Your Hormones Checked

When you’re feeling weepy ALL of the time, get your hormones checked.

2014 Recap in Pics Thus Far ~ Inlakesh Festival, Grandma Aggie, and Salmon Ceremony

Inlakesh is a new festival to Ashland this year and I was invited to do a workshop. In addition, I had the honor of doing the opening ceremony with Grandma Agnes Baker Pilgrim of the 13 Indigenous Grandmothers at the same event. She loves my stone medicine bowl and used it last year for her annual Salmon Ceremony. She used it again this year for her Salmon Ceremony as well. I’ll combine pictures of both events. I’m in the process of deciding whether I can leave to go to South Dakota for the 13 Indigenous Grandmother gathering in early September

2014 Recap in Pics Thus Far – Breitenbush Retreat

From June 10-13th 2014, I held a live retreat at Breitenbush Hotsprings and Retreat Center in Oregon. WOW! HUGE THANKS and tremendous love to my co-facilitators who far exceeded my expectations for carrying out my 4 Seasons in 4 Weeks workshop vision. I only wish we had had more days! Let me acknowledge Cynthia Salbato for assisting me and leading all movement portions, JayaEagleWoman for opening and closing each day in ceremony and beyond, Amari Gold for her sound code medicine, and Julia Weaver for leading us all in expressing 4s4w in unbelievably gorgeous mandala work! Breitenbush asked me to

2014 Recap in Pics ~ Moon Lodge @ the Goddess Temple of Ashland

The Goddess Temple of Ashland is a gorgeous dome sitting on the sacred land of natural hotsprings at Jackson Wellsprings in Oregon. The entire chunk of land at the far corner of the facility is generously donated and dedicated to the Feminine by owner Gerry Lehrberger. The Goddess Temple was the brainchild of founders Graell Corsini and Jumana King-Harris. Along with a hive of volunteers, these women maintain an incredibly beautiful space within a dome donated by Pacific Domes of Ashland. The Feminine grounds, which are also home to beekeeping, a mikvah, a moon lodge, and an assortment of areas

Recap 2014 in pictures ~ Mt Ashland and Mother’s Day Pow Wow

I am the Medicine Carrier of a stone healing bowl, gifted to me in the Lakota Way to do my water blessing ceremonies along with my 4s4w work. Water is he element of the female and represents sacred womb water. The stone represents the sacred womb of creation. That my all sound a little odd at first, but people love going to the bowl and spending a little quiet time to reflect and center themselves. They are asked to think about what needs flow in their lives and also to offer a blessing for the world and Gaia. The bowl

Recap 2014 – AIFF

April brings our Ashland Independent Film Festival to town which draws over 300 community members as volunteers to work the event. I’m on the annual staff. Here are my sister trouble-makers, Cynthia Salbato and Denise Ross.  Then again with Natasha Sol. You’ll also see me handing the mic to Ty Burrell who was a featured guest.  

2014 Recap Thus Far

2014 Recap Thus Far It’s been a busy year for 4 Seasons in 4 Weeks stuff, the stone medicine bowl that I am the Carrier of, and miscellaneous personal interests. First off, 4 Seasons in 4 Weeks has a new website. Go to the HOME page to see how great it looks! It’s an ongoing process of course. I’ve also been in the process of creating online courses to launch, have been to conferences, have presented workshops at conferences and festivals, and held a live, 4-day retreat at Breitenbush in Oregon. In addition, I am the Wisdom Keeper for the Moon Lodge


Summertime: It’s all about staying cool. Staying cool = staying in alignment.   The main thing I’ve learned about this summer is that it is hard to get people in the same place at the same time . Everyone is busy going this way and that. It’s not a great time to begin teaching a big course, but good for short, live workshops, so I continue to adjust and go with the rhythm that seems to align best. After all, this is what I teach about natural rhythms, and especially about the “Summer” week, which I call “The Fire Walk”. This is what 4

On the Sight of Blood

British Moon Sister, Rachael Hertogs (aka Rachael Moon) author of Menarche, a Journey into Womanhood, mentions 4 Seasons in 4 Weeks in her latest blog. But more than that, she talks about ignoring the old taboo: the sight of blood…stains. http://www.moontimes.co.uk

Blog Tour – A Real Live Writer

My friend and colleague, Lea Bayles, invited me to be a part of a blog tour. How FUN! Her blog was posted last week, and now it’s my turn. Please see her blog here: http://www.leabayles.com/blog.  Thanks, Lea! Beautiful. Our assignment is to write about our writing life and process. This is a little tricky for me because even though I’m an author, I’ve never really considered myself a writer. My sister, Rose, and our cousin, Violet, were always the writers in the family. It’s sort of hard to explain what I actually do—what my best gifts are or medicine for

Memorial Day ~ Honoring the Forgotten Warriors

Today, in addition to honoring all of the military warriors who bravely fought and sacrificed their lives while serving their country throughout time, I would like to honor the mothers, throughout every culture and throughout time, who endured a tortuous labor and died during childbirth. We don’t have a holiday to honor these everyday female warriors who shed their own blood in the taken-for-granted sacrifice to create nurturing circles for all of us and to keep the population of the human race moving forward. Nor do we give out medals, benefits, or any special burial of honor equaling the 21-gun

Challenges and Purpose – an excerpt

When it comes to “Periods”, Mother Nature doesn’t care if you’re black, white, purple or polka-dotted, Republican or Democrat, straight or gay, as long as you’re a human female and somewhere between the ages of 7 and 55-ish. Minus pregnancies, nursing, hysterectomies, or some unusual health challenge, women cycle day-in and day-out for about 40 years of their lives. Yet this basic function of what makes us female is an uncomfortable, if not taboo subject. Due to lack of information, embarrassment, or violence against them, women worldwide often suffer in silence from its sometimes chaotic effects, which influence their lives

Seeing the Wrong and Righting It

Woke up feeling SO inspired and humbled by the company I carry ~  if I do say so myself. I have amazing friends who are doing truly amazing things for the world. We don’t see one another nearly enough anymore. Last night, I threw a completely last minute, impromptu birthday movie party for Julie Pierce ~ world traveler extraordinaire ~ because it was unbelievable that she and other chronic-world-traveler-mutual-friends and I could all actually be in the same room at the same time. The bonus was that her daughter, Ariel Skelton, would also be in town. The planets aligned. I

Let’s Talk. Period

Let’s Talk. Period. A post from http://www.thedailystar.net/lifestyle/lets-talk-period-20824 In 2009, a UNICEF report showed that “in countries where menstrual hygiene is considered a taboo, girls going through puberty are typically absent for 20 per cent of the school year”*. Societies across the world still treat menstruation as an unmentionable topic. With so few people willing to broach this subject, most of the information being passed on is based on myths, superstitions and false beliefs. Girls are taught to stay a little afar, especially from religious practices or partaking in public/social events if one is menstruating. Dealing with menstruation is challenging enough,

4 Seasons in 4 Weeks: Awakening the Power, Wisdom, & Beauty in Every Woman’s Nature

Mountain Lion Medicine

Last night a mountain lion suddenly walked right into the middle of a dream I was having. I don’t remember the rest of the dream, but the cougar and its powerful presence has stayed with me all day. So of course (if you know me), I looked up “mountain lion medicine”. My inner-indigenous does her best to see and acknowledge the symbolic teachings presented in the form of messengers, coincidences, and turning points. It makes no difference to me whether they come to me from the Great Outer Dimension handing this guidance to me on a silver platter, or an

The New Goddesses

appy Birthday to my BABY, Myan! (That’s MYAN not MAYAN as she points out). It means, “water from the spring (or source)”. I tell this story in the last chapter of 4 Seasons in 4 Weeks.    Water that comes from the source represents the womb water of Mother Earth and the return of the Feminine. Myan was born in the water at home. She was also born right in the middle of her due date, which just happened to be International Women’s Day. I love that, of course. At the time of Myan’s birth, I would not have guessed

Moon Lodge Celebration, May 24, 2014

I am “over the moon” about being asked to be the “pillar” for our local “moon lodge” created by the Goddess Temple of Ashland! A moon lodge is basically the same idea as a “red tent”—a place where females can go to rest when on their moon time. This is a tipi. To be clear, although I am a trained indigenous ceremonialist and a medicine carrier of a sacred stone healing bowl, this moon lodge follows no Native American tradition. We simply honor the practice and what it represents. Our moon lodge will be expanding on the concept. WHAT IS GOING

A Thief in Summer

Guest post by Jessica Vineyard I hated it every time it came. It stole in like a thief in the night. A dark cloud of gloom accompanied by a horrid surge of adrenalin. A sinking feeling of dread. A sense that I would never feel like myself again. I had recently experienced a terribly painful breakup and, while it had been several months prior and I now felt pretty good for the most part, I still experienced a periodic, gripping, gut-wrenching, mind-numbing pain. Perhaps I couldn’t really pin it on the breakup any more. Then I had the good fortune to

Happenings for Happiness in the New Year

Here’s wishing you happy beginnings for 2014! Every so often someone asks me why the “resting” phase (Week 1) of the 4 Seasons in 4 Weeks (4s4w) approach is compared to Fall* instead of Winter. They say they think of Winter as being the time to hibernate. I tell them that yes, if we were bears, we’d be hibernating. But we’re not bears. And from personal experience and observation, Fall is the time of year that throws us into going to bed early. Here’s an adjusted quote from the book: “The Autumnal Equinox (the first day of Fall) signals the

You are More than Your Cycle and Your Cycle is More than Your Period

By 4s4w Lover and Guest Blogger, Sheri Croy Chances are, if you were raised in the modern Western world you’ve been conditioned to think of your female cycle at three distinct moments: the moment you have an emotional, passionate, irritable or angry response that someone else deems unreasonable for the circumstance; the moment you see blood, and the moment you don’t see it when it’s expected. Even if you have been raised in a family with a more human centered, body-conscious, healthy view of being a woman, if you are reading this, chances are you’ve been at least witness to

Friday the 13th, 2013 – an Auspicious Day

Terrific article by Donna Henes in from 2012. Worth the read and repost. http://www.huffingtonpost.com/donna-henes/friday-13th_b_1418812.html Why Friday the 13th Is a Very Lucky Day, Indeed! Posted: 04/13/2012 7:37 am, Huffington Post Fear of the number 13 is the most prevalent superstition in the Western world. We even have a name for it: triskaidekaphobia. It is quite common for even the most ordinarily rational and otherwise exemplary person — Winston Churchill, for example — to refuse to sit in row 13 in the theater or on an airplane. J. Paul Getty and Franklin Delano Roosevelt suffered from triskaidekaphobia. Napoleon was also plagued

Happy Thanksgiving, Hanukkah, and Anniversary!

At my house, I serve the Thanksgiving meal the day before. That’s because I have extended family members who have extended family members to eat with, and when we have two Thanksgiving Days in a row everyone gets what they want. Each year is a creative exercise in organizing who is going to be where and on what day. Perhaps it sounds gluttonous, but I see it as sort of a 2-day family festival. It’s quite sweet and lovely, factoring in that this comprises of former spouses and in-laws and kids who (bless us all) have figured out how to

Rape Culture and More

by Suzanne Mathis McQueen Monday, November 18, 2013, I’ll be speaking at the Southern Oregon University Fem Fest at 4:45 pm. The title of my talk with be: The Missing Link: The Lost Language of the Female Way, based on the work I do with 4 Seasons in 4 Weeks and evolving, sacred feminism. At 7 pm, Melissa McEwan will deliver the keynote. She is the author of this outstanding essay on Rape Culture. It’s difficult to find any better description anywhere and I encourage you to read this piece. This day long, interactive event involving workshops, presentations and performances delivered by campus and

Listening to the Inner Muse

Another reason why I love listening to my Inner Muse. Here’s the blog that I wrote this morning on Sacred Feminist . Perhaps you can relate! And isn’t Emily Balivet’s artwork just beautiful? Please see her gallery at her website or on Etsy.

Step Forward and Roar—Fiercely

Stand in your core power, Ladies. Within our political and societal power structure the rape issue is getting worse, not better. Today, you must not only protect yourself, but you must protect what women deserve. SAFETY. This means stepping forward with courage and speaking out. What does this have to do with 4 Seasons in 4 Weeks (4s4w)? The female, monthly, rhythmic cycle (which is what 4s4w is all about) is an internal guidance system that helps each woman navigate her strengths and weaknesses in order to make powerful decisions in the moment. It’s the best tool you have for

Are You Cliterate?

http://sacredfeminist.blogspot.com/ by Suzanne Mathis McQueen Are you Cliterate? I consider her to be a most important rediscovery. Her name is “clitoris”, a hugely important pleasure treasure who’s holistic intelligence, secrets, SIZE, and potential for saving one’s sanity has been cruelly banished and kept out for way too long. Along with the female cycle and the VaJayJay, she is yet another locked-away, buried, code of female conduct and function which is finally being unearthed by one interesting author, artist, or everyday woman-after-another in the ongoing effort to reveal the authentic and powerful female—one’s true state of being.  Sure, anyone who knows anything at all about lovemaking knows to

Women Need It and So Do the Men Who Love Them

It was super, super hot and dusty at the Peace Village Festival in my hometown of Ashland, Oregon where I had a vendor booth, selling and signing 4 Seasons in 4 Weeks. It’s August, after all, and we’ve had horrible fires that created horrible, socked-in smoky air. But the powers-that-be gave me a terrific space close enough to a huge willow that I received lovely and regular breezes from and a bit of shade. Under this beautiful tree I set up the ancient healing bowl that I am the Keeper of, with water from the hot springs of the land, and instructions for individuals who

Photoshopped Notion of Beauty

by Guest Teen Blogger, Audrey Anastasia Allen                           See, I disagree.  Anyone can see it. Doesn’t have to be a man. It could be another woman. Also, it shouldn’t take a romantic partner telling you that you are beautiful for you to feel beautiful. I mean, we are all guilty of thoughts like “I’m not pretty (handsome).” “I’m not as pretty (handsome) as that person.” And it isn’t limited to that thought. Which is the super sad part. Any adjective can replace “pretty”. Not as smart. Not as cool. Not

If Men Could Menstruate

A goodie from Gloria Steinem’s Outrageous Acts and Everyday Rebellions, NY: NAL, 1986. ~ (thanks to Occupy Menstruation’s facebook post for this great reminder) So what would happen if suddenly, magically, men could menstruate and women could not? Clearly, menstruation would become an enviable, worthy, masculine event: Men would brag about how long and how much. Young boys would talk about it as the envied beginning of manhood. Gifts, religious ceremonies, family dinners, and stag parties would mark the day. To prevent monthly work loss among the powerful, Congress would fund a National Institute of Dysmenorrhea. Doctors would research little about heart attacks, from

A Passed-Out Woman. Temptation.


I like this young woman, Laci Green. She may be a little crude, but she’s fun. She may seem ditzy, but don’t buy it. This gal has it right. In this “episode” she tells it like it is about CONSENSUAL SEX.

Still Using Tampons or Pads?

This is a great article from Collective-Evolution’s blog to help you sort out the products you’re using. When it comes to pads and tampons, 4 Seasons in 4 Weeks only supports the use of organic cotton products, including washable, reusable pads. CE gives good info on using a cup as well. Still Using Tampons or Pads? You Should Read This. By Alanna Ketler, January 13, 2013 What is something that every woman has to endure in her lifetime? You got it, a menstruation cycle. On average a woman will have her period once a month, for about 5 days, for

The Perfect Time for Attracting What You Desire

Now that we are one week into 2013, I hope this new beginning finds your various energy systems rested, rebooted, and ready to put into action your many visions for balanced success in the coming year. New Year’s Eve and Day is always an auspicious time of the year and one of many phases in our cyclical calendar—the rhythmic time clock of our lives. The New Year, like the New Moon phase, is an end and a beginning, finishing the year with reflection and ideas—shedding the old to make room for fresh anticipation of what is to come with the

The Duality: Grief and Gift

Many of you have been following my recent, challenging journey. The book that took me 7 years to write, 4 Seasons in 4 Weeks, showed up at my doorstep the day before Thanksgiving. My mother fell ill that same week. What my siblings and I thought would result in routine medical care turned into a major thing-gone-wrong and to our shock, she was sent home on hospice care. Two days later I was to have my book launch celebration which was in full activation with many volunteers helping out and ready to roll. I lost my focus and mojo and

Book Launch Party 12.12.12

OK, so red tent stuff for Week 1, Fall, figured out. Clamshell for Venus to stand in for my Week 2, Winter, all done. Missed my window for picking up the throne for my Goddess and World Leader archetype of Week 3, Spring, to sit in, but will do that Wednesday, and my Fire Walker of Week 4, Summer, and her hot coals are coming together nicely. TWO NIGHTS AWAY! Please join me at this special book party. Buy your books at a special Event-Only price, enjoy the performance art, and mingle with your friends. When: 12.12.12 Time: From 4

Countdown to Book Launch Party on 12.12.12!

5 days to go. Well, really 5.5 days. Snacks, check. Sales table, check. Sound system, check. Hawaiian book blessing ceremony, check. Working on the details of the performance art: costumes, displays, etc., in order for you to visually see what the book is about. Exciting!

Yes, Means Yes

A terrific read about the definition of consensual sex. http://everydayfeminism.com/2012/11/consensual-sex-and-rape/  

Women, It’s Time to Stand Tall

Women, the time is now for each of you to become the director of your own life. Turn the corner and awake! Dig deeply and embody the whispering of your female ancestors, urging you to fulfill a higher destiny for yourself and therefore the entire human race. The time has come for you to take your rightful place in order to activate the much needed healing of our beautiful planet. Create wise and peaceful relationships by trusting your inner knowing of what you deserve. Stand tall in your courage and beauty. ~ Suz ♥

Hello world!

Welcome to WordPress. This is your first post. Edit or delete it, then start blogging!

Caffeine Linked to Estrogen Changes

By TRACI PEDERSEN Associate News EditorReviewed by John M. Grohol, Psy.D. on January 28, 2012 Moderate caffeine consumption is associated with higher levels of estrogen in Asian women, but lower levels in white women, according to a study of reproductive-age women conducted by the National Institutes of Health and other institutions. Over 250 women, ages 18 to 44 years old, participated in the study between 2005 and 2007. On average, they consumed 90 milligrams of caffeine a day, equivalent to approximately one cup of caffeinated coffee. Asian women who took in an average of 200 milligrams or more of caffeine a day

You and the Moon

The Here and Now of Our Cycles

What a gorgeous and reverent example of how cycles and rhythms work! This shows the sacred geometry of our female cycle, without showing a thing about the female cycle!   Watch, and see what I mean… This will fill you with light, love, and understanding of what our bodies are all about too. When we align the rhythms within us with the rhythms around us, all is right, clean, calm, respectul, peaceful. There is nothing left but true honoring of all. 

Stem Cells from Menstrual Blood – Fantastic!

Menstrual Blood Banking: Scope and Future by Neha Verma on  January 03, 2012 at 1:01 PM Health In Focus http://www.medindia.net/news/healthinfocus/Menstrual-Blood-Banking-Scope-and-Future-95616-1.htm Till date women have been discarding menstrual blood as an unwanted and unsanitary waste. However, a new research has found that menstrual blood is a rich source of stem cells that have the ability to multiply and differentiate into any kind of cells. Earlier, blood from umbilical cord was regarded as the ultimate reserve for stem cells. Only those who have given birth at anytime of their life were able to preserve the stem cells as they were obtained from umbilical cord. But researchers

You Were Made For This

This outstanding post was recycled from: http://www.weboflove.org/youweremadeforthis You Were Made For ThisBy Clarissa Pinkola Estes My friends, do not lose heart. We were made for these times. I have heard from so many recently who are deeply and properly bewildered. They are concerned about the state of affairs in our world now. Ours is a time of almost daily astonishment and often righteous rage over the latest degradations of what matters most to civilized, visionary people.  You are right in your assessments. The lustre and hubris some have aspired to while endorsing acts so heinous against children, elders, everyday people, the

Our Sleeping Beauty

The ancient wisdom of our design lives deep within us and in alignment with the natural and spiritual forces of the universe. By digging through the debris of historical human behavior we can discover and uncover the interconnected root system of our divinity. Here lies the inner beauty and life force of the human species—the Divine or Sacred Feminine; our Sleeping Beauty, inside each of us waiting to be awakened after being put into protective hiding so long ago.  Section 1, Four Seasons in Four Weeks:Nature’s Guiding Rhythm for Woman’s Sacred Vessel

Women’s Festivals 2011

Santa Barbara, March 4th and 5th, 2011 “How can we be empowered females when we don’t have power over the thing that makes us female?” This was my mantra this weekend at the Women’s Festivals in Santa Barbara. I loved this conference. First off, how can you not love something that takes place in Santa Barbara? Could there be more perfect weather and natural landscape? The Santa Barbarians (as I heard them call themselves) reflect this exactly: warm and friendly people with a naturally organic sophistication who are easy to be around. We wanted to stay and we’ll be back

Peace on Earth: The Symbolic Mary

Mary teaches us that even the everyday girl is a sacred vessel. There is no lesson for us and no point to her part in the story if we put her on a pedestal. Mary represents all women as Divine Mothers and Joseph represents all men as Sacred Protectors (not dominators). In spite of  having many hardships and doors shut in their faces by the Inn Keepers (symbolic for those who defend war, excessive competition, bigotry, poverty, hunger, and homelessness), she delivers the Prince of Peace in a stable. The story shows us that anything is possible when we women

Men That Honor the Sacred Feminine

http://www.findingyoursoulpurpose.blogspot.com/ Finding and Exploring Your Soul Purpose SPIRITUAL INSIGHTS FOR BODY AND SOUL Reverend Misa Hopkins Friday, November 05, 2010 Men That Honor the Sacred Feminine It was many years before I finally attracted men in my life that truly understood what it meant to honor the Sacred Feminine. Oh I certainly knew men that loved me as a woman and enjoyed many aspects of my femininity, but that is different than deep respect for the spiritual essence of the Sacred Feminine. In my experience, in order for a man to truly respect the sacred within the feminine, he needs

Note to Self

I had a dream last night that I was the speaker and facilitator at an event. I had gone in earlier to set up the music which I would activate just before launching into each segment of my talk or activity. I would begin talking at a specific time in the music. What happened though, is that someone else came in and hit the "play" button before I was ready to begin.  It threw me off and I walked over, stopped the music, and had to mess with the system to reset it. It was awkward and it might have

Banana Leaf Pads from Rwanda

– Elizabeth Scharpf , founder of Sustainable Health Enterprises (SHE), is partnering with networks of women in Rwanda to make and sell sanitary pads made from banana leaves. Eighteen percent of girls in Rwanda miss, on average, 35 days of school every year (and up to 50 days of school or work each year) due to their periods and ineffective pads and the embarrassment and ridicule that ensues. SHE, in effect, builds confidence, education, and income—and even creates jobs for women in the cheap pad-making franchises. "Menstruation is one of those things that people don’t really want to have anything to do with," Scharpf

Ovulation: a Moving Target

Ovulation only happens for an approximate 24 hour period, which means you can only, really, conceive during this short window of time, with the exception of something rare happening. However, ovulation can be like a moving target, being very unpredictable as far as when it is going to happen exactly. And then there is the fact that sperm can live inside of you up to around 7 days before, waiting to be the one that gets to merge with your beautiful egg when she makes her showing. This increases the number of days you are contributing to the conception process.

Everything I Need to Know I Continue to Learn from Walking the Labyrinth

The whole scene is always quite marvelous. I timed my arrival to my town’s annual New Year’s, 24-hour Labyrinth Walk just perfectly, completely by chance. The live music that was playing in that particular time slot happened to be two harpists creating a doorway onto the candlelit canvas maze which had been carefully laid down on the floor of a church sanctuary. Angelic. The labyrinth takes up most of the floor space in one gigantic circle. Four alters are set up along the sides to recognize the four directions, north, south, east, and west, or the four sacred elements—earth, air,

Libido and your cycle

copied from: http://www.menstruation.com.au/periodpages/libido.html The female libido or sex drive changes throughout the menstrual cycle as do many other aspects of life. For example, consider energy levels and emotions. Libido often peaks at mid cycle and premenstrually or just before bleeding, and the experience of these separate peaks is different. Many women experience pre-menstrual / menstrual sex as rawer, more urgent and more primal which is not surprising considering our heightened intuitive and emotional states at this time. If we have been feeling disgruntled or irritable with our lot and those around us, sexual expression naturally takes on this aggressive edge.

Hot Flashes: Young girls get them too

One particularly warm evening in June, I observed my 12-year-old daughter having, shall I say, a cranky moment?  No, it had been a cranky day – maybe two. Not that she wasn’t the cranky sort, or didn’t have it in her to be cranky, but her “spells” generally did not last long. She had always been a child with “bounce back” ability, meaning that if she got mad or upset at something or someone, it didn’t last very long. I always admired her greatly for this (actually marveled at this) as it was something I didn’t necessarily possess. It always

Mother Nature’s Period:Fall is the time of releasing

Please read this phenomenal article by Reverend Cecilia Loving. It explains exactly what I am saying about the first week of the female cycle, which I relate to "Fall" or "Autumn" in Four Seasons in Four Weeks. You don’t need to be religious to understand the stories she relates. Thanks, Cecilia! http://www.godisabrowngirltoo.com/index.php?mact=CGBlog,cntnt01,detail,0&cntnt01articleid=11&cntnt01detailtemplate=blog&cntnt01returnid=59

Standing on Your Own Two Feet

“A woman without a man is like a fish without a bicycle:" What did Gloria Steinem mean when she uttered this controversial quote? Was she putting men down? NO! Was she saying that men are useless or worthless? NO! Was she saying we don’t emotionally need or want a man in our life? NO! Was she saying we should stay as far away from men as possible? NO!  Was she saying we are weak if we succumb, or even choose, to have a man in our life? Of course not! Who doesn’t love to have a wonderful partner? When I

The ManGuide

Working away on The ManGuide, refrigerator magnets, and “her rhythm” card for his wallet, and of course, finishing the book!

A very good place to start

It’s important to know why you do the things you do so that you don’t end up in a place you don’t want to be. Understanding your natural female rhythm is a very good (and crucial) place to start.

Stop this nonsense

Women matter. Our health maintenance needs must be included in health care reform. As a woman, I am incensed that this is not a given. Our reproductive bodies require us to get annual pap smears, birth control,  and eventually mammograms. Preventative maintenance will always be cheaper than letting things go until they become a problem. Yet, health insurance costs are through the roof and often unattainable even if we can afford them. I don’t care if you’re conservative or liberal, its time to stop this nonsense and stand up, once and for all, for women first. Because if Mama ain’t

Yes, Yes, Yes

God Says Yes to Me I asked God if it was okay to be melodramatic and she said yes I asked her if it was okay to be short and she said it sure is I asked her if I could wear nail polish or not wear nail polish and she said honey she calls me that sometimes she said you can do just exactly what you want to Thanks God I said And is it even okay if I don’t paragraph my letters Sweetcakes God said who knows where she picked that up what I’m telling you is Yes

Men, Dads, and the Steady Burn

Since, in my opinion, men carry the rhythm of the sun, and women, the moon, I find it FANTASTIC that Father’s Day falls on the longest sunlight day of the year?! Think of it this way: Before artificial lighting, women used to ovulate at full moon. When full, we see the moon as receptive to the full light of the sun. Women, when ovulating and shining most brightly, are most receptive to the full light of their man. I think of men as having a steady burn that wanes in and out possibly every 3 months like the … Read

Bless the Person Who Brings Out the Worst in You

Bless the person who brings out the worst in you. Take the op to see the gift Hold these things up high Get a good look acknowledge and understand. Then throw them away for good. Leaving all the best in you to carry on with. Perhaps, transforming the relationship while you’re at it.


Moods, such as anger or sadness are highlighted or diminished by hormones, but hormones are not the cause of the moods. When a woman is angry, it’s probably because she’s actually angry , not hormonal.

My Guest Blog on Gloria Feldt’s Site!

I’m incredibly honored to be the guest blogger on leading women’s activist and best selling author, Gloria Feldt’s site! http://bitly.com/PlSNP People Magazine called this former teen mom who became the CEO and movement leader of the world’s largest reproductive and sexual health care provider and advocacy organization "the voice of experience". Gloria exemplifies courageous leadership, with 30 years on the frontlines of challenge and change. She brought phenomenal growth to the Planned Parenthood affiliates she led in West Texas and Arizona. Then during arguably the movement’s most challenging time since Margaret Sanger’s uphill battles, she revitalized the national movement, serving

This Ain’t Your Mama’s PTA

Happy Mother’s Day! OK, so I’m a day late, so let’s go with week… It was 20 years ago that I received my very first newsletter as a parent of a first grader, announcing the very first PTO meeting of the new school year. Believe it or not, I was ready; I was excited. Being new at all this, my only reference was my own childhood experience. I remember going with my mother once to a PTA meeting and finding the whole event quite fascinating and marvelous. The auditorium was absolutely packed with women catching up on the “latest” from

Bristol Palin: I Feel For Her

Honestly, I feel sorry for Bristol Palin. Somebody please mother this young woman! It’s bad enough that your parent takes on a vice-presidential campaign, at all, knowing you will be thrown into the limelight when you’re an unmarried pregnant teen. It’s abusive when this parent has been an advocate for abstinence-only education. What kind of parent is OK with potentially making her daughter a laughing-stock? The butt of worldwide jokes? I’ll tell you who: one that is self-centered-bordering-narcissistic, that’s who. I’ve had it with all of this holier-than-thou-family-values display from people who don’t seem to know the first thing about

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